
The way money should feel.

We believe in providing added peace of mind during retirement. Our goal is to enhance our clients’ lives with a little help from smarter investment portfolios.

WINGO ASSET MANAGEMENT is a select provider of WealthGuard™, an incredibly simple yet powerful early-warning system that monitors all of your accounts daily so you can invest with the confidence that there’s a plan in place to help protect your investments in all market conditions.

Providing you with added peace of mind, WealthGuard™ securely tracks all of your accounts in one place, including asset allocation and overall performance, and immediately alerts you of any changes via email and/or text message. More importantly, WealthGuard will also initiate an alert to your money manager to utilize your specific plan of action to help protect your accounts while keeping you focused on your long-term investment goals.

And since WealthGuard™ monitors all your accounts automatically, it can watch over your 401(k), self-managed investment accounts, and accounts managed by financial advisors at nearly every firm in the United States.

Fill out your information below to learn more about WealthGuard™.

Smarter Investing

Catch John on his radio show, Time to Talk Money, Saturday mornings at 7:30 and Sunday mornings at 10:30 on KEEL Radio.


The Next Step?

For more information about our comprehensive financial planning and investment management services.

Schedule a complimentary meeting or phone call today.

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